elect any Circuit Date for each Contest to see Specific Details regarding Schedules, Performance Space, Dining Options and Spectator Information.
Friday Solo Competition may be added dependent on the number of registrations per Contest.
Our Team provides the most Organized, Fair and Time Efficient Contest in the industry
Spectrum I/Spectrum II option for your team to compete at the Experience and/or Skill Level of your choice
Overall & Classification Grand Champions awarded for Spectrum I & Spectrum II Varsity Teams for 3 Top Routine Scores
Directors receive complete tally of entire competition results & video commentary critiques
Experience the best in Adjudication…Our Panel of Judges are held to the highest level of integrity and professionalism
For the transparency of the competition process, Judges are not currently directing
Team & Officer Performances are scheduled in category to keep scoring consistent
Easy & Convenient Music Upload to complete 2 weeks prior to Contest Date
Our Ascension Team is committed to providing the highest level of professionalism, courtesy and customer service!
Friday Solo Competition may be added dependent on the number of registrations per Contest.